City of Brandon Zoning



On July 8, 2024, City Council adopted amendments to the Zoning By-law to encourage development of more housing. The updated Zoning By-law to encourage development of more housing. The updated Zoning By-law will be published online in the coming days. This is a summary of the changes.



  • Rezoning all RSD Residential Single Detached Zone lands to RLD Residential Low Density Zone
    • RSD Zone no longer exists
    • Detached dwellings continue to be permitted in the RLD Zone
    • More options to develop other forms of low-density residential across the city, such as duplexes, four-plexes, and row houses/townhouses
      • Triplexes and four-plexes are permitted when there is a developed lane, otherwise conditional use
      • Triplexes permitted on a 12.1m (40’) wide site, four-plexes permitted on a 15.2m (50’) wide site
  • New proportional density bonusing for developments in the RMD Residential Moderate Density Zone if the development provides one-bedroom dwelling units or affordable dwelling units
    • Density bonus percentage, up to a maximum of 50%, is on top of the maximum density allowed on site under the Zoning By-law (e.g. if five of ten dwelling units are affordable and/or one-bedroom units, you can increase by three more dwelling units)



  • Reducing parking requirements for multiple dwellings (triplexes and up), boarding houses, and supportive housing (formerly special needs housing)
  • Allowing up to two parking spaces, including required parking, on driveways in required front yards, such as for detached dwellings, but limited to maximum of 50% of front yard
    • Now minimum one parking space for each dwelling unit, including affordable dwelling units
    • 0.5 parking space for each dwelling unit 56.0m2 (603 sq. ft.) or less
  • Allowing up to two parking spaces, including required parking, on driveways in required front yards, such as for detached dwellings, but limited to maximum of 50% of front yard
  • No more required parking for any uses in the Downtown zones



  • Detached and garage secondary suites, previously conditional uses, are now permitted
  • Increasing supportive housing (formerly special needs housing) threshold to permit up to four residents, consistent with updated Manitoba Building Code thresholds
  • Limiting site coverage of principal residential buildings to 50% of a site
  • Where both adjacent sites have existing rear yards exceeding 12.1m, increasing minimum rear yard of rectangular interior sites to 25% of average of neighbours’ rear yards, but not more than 12.1m

For more information or if you have questions, contact Andrew Mok, Senior Planner, at 204-729-2115 or


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Accessible City Services
410 – 9th Street, Brandon MB, R7A 6A2
Phone: 204-729-2186